
Oxygen level tester shows that mask causes dangerously low oxygen levels

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A Glitch in the Matrix

Documentary filmmaker Rodney Ascher tackles the question "are we living in a simulation?" with testimony, philosophical evidence and scientific explanation in his quest for the answer.


Film based on the life of Stanley Milgram, best known for his 1961 experiment on obedience to authority


Documents the famous Milgram experiment, which measured the willingness of test subjects to obey authority in ways contrary to their own judgment and conscience.

Died Suddenly

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet... we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

This documentary was made possible by Goldco. Protect your wealth by investing in precious metals, and use THIS link to receive up to $10,000 in free silver for qualified accounts: https://link.goldco.com/DiedSuddenly

The Stew Peters Network would not be possible without the loyal and endearing support of all our sponsors. There is something for EVERYONE!


The Corbett Report

The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.

Meet Elon Musk, Technocractic Huckster

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/

Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He's going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He's going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)! He's going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of Tesla's Shanghai factory)! Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you'll find that it's even worse than that . . .

"?" The Infowars Documentary

The Infowars aka Infowhores Alex Jones Documentary

Forever Conscious Research Channel

Hello Seekers & Friends, I hope you find yourself having a good day & want to welcome you. This channel is dedicated to open minded research with critical analysis in the following fields:
- Reincarnation
- Afterlife Preparedness
- Near Death Experiences (NDE'S)
- Shared Death Experiences
- Simulation "Theory"
- Sovereignty & Liberation (From The Earth Realm)
- Premonitions & Death Bed Visions / Communication
- Pre-Birth Memories
- Past Life Regression
- Meditation
- Astral Projection / OBE's (Out of Body Experiences)
- Lucid Dreaming
- After Death Communication
- Experiencer's
- Altered States of Consciousness
- Sovereignty & Liberation at the time of Bodily Death (Escape the Wheel of Samsara, Moksha, Break Reincarnation Cycle, Etc)
- Affirmations
- The Holoverse
- Orbs
- Paranormal
- Everything & Anything Soul Trap
- Dream Analysis
- The Consent Quagmire & How We Got Here
- Pattern Recognition
- The Matrix
- Consciousness
- Free Will
- Holograms
- Interviews
- Mind, Body, Spirit

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker Alex Jones reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination, Operation: ENDGAME

You Can't Watch This

You Can't Watch This is an independent documentary film concerning itself with Freedom of Speech and the online world. Told through the stories of high profile conservatives who vanished from the internet almost overnight, YCWT explores the effects and efficacy of social media censorship and the implications for Americans' First Amendment rights.

Seemingly overnight, 5 high-profile conservatives vanished from the Internet. Finally, we’re bringing you the historic documentary that covers it all.

“You Can’t Watch This” is the new must have DVD that covers Big Tech’s war against Free Speech. You can bear witness to the silencing of conservatives worldwide and what it means for you.

Featuring interviews by so-called “dangerous” people like Gavin McInnes, Paul Joseph Watson, Tommy Robinson, Laura Loomer and Alex Jones, “You Can’t Watch This” will show the war against free thinkers.

The End of Germ Theory

00:01:21 Dr Rosenau / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments
00:08:14 Goat Island / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments
00:10:32 Johns Hopkins / Dr Sellard failed Measles contagion experiments
Dr. Alfred F Hess failed Chicken Pox varicella contagion experiments
00:12:25 NY State Health Department / US Public health Service failed Polio contagion
00:15:13 Dr. Eleanor McBean vaccination caused Spanish Flu pandemic research
00:16:06 Dr Frederick Lamont Gates / US Army Antimenigitis vaccination fiasco
00:17:00 Black Death, Spanish Flu outbreak follows 14-25 vaccinations per person
00:21:30 Unvaccinated doctors and families did not catch the Spanish Flu from patients
00:23:05 Masha & Dasha, conjoined twins who never caught flu, colds, measles from eachother
00:24:17 What is Polio really? Lead Arsenate and DDT trends vs outbreaks
00:27:35 False vaccine disease eradication claims and trends
00:28:44 7 common causes of Polio
00:29:14 What is a “virus particle”?
00:32:47 What is Cytopathic Effect “Theory”?
00:33:22 What is Viral Replication “Theory”?
00:38:28 What is a virology cell or tissue “Culture”?
00:42:00 Cytopathic Effect Theory debunked
00:42:40 Autolysis and Apoptosis
00:44:48 Virus particle Isolation and Purification
00:55:38 PCR test fraud and misuse
01:06:54 CDC Covid PCR diagnostic test fraud
01:08:50 “Insilico” imaginary genomes
01:16:50 John Enders’ debunked Measles experiments
01:23:34 Studies admitting virus particles are indistinquishable from cellular debris
01:29:18 Fraudulent Australian failed Covid isolation experiments
01:32:13 Fetal Bovine Calf Serum RNA
01:34:28 Dr Stefan Lanka control experiments debunk virus theory once and for all
01:47:20 1947 fraudulent Polio isolation experiments debunked
02:01:28 Virology fails Koch’s postulates
02:02:59 Antibodies, Antigen test fraud, HIV
02:11:35 Antibody vaccine theory debunked
02:16:38 Big Pharma re-name disease game
02:16:54 Monkeypox fraud
02:22:51 Real causes of Pox diseases
02:24:28 1957 Monkeypox failed contagion experiments and controls debunk virology
02:31:49 Why do some but not all people sometimes but not always seem sick together?

Adapt 2030

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035, covers changes in our climate due to a 400 year cycle in our Sun called a Grand Solar Minimum. Solar Cycle 25 will have almost no sunspot activity bringing us back to conditions similar to 1640-1720's in the Maunder Minimum.

Effects during GSM's are always the same, crop losses due to cold damage with out of season rain, heat or snow from shifting jet streams, reduced grain yields, food price rises and economic twists as the most important commodity in our society becomes scarce.

Having knowledge from past patterns shows which grain crops and which areas globally will go offline first, then we can create solutions to adapt to a cooling planet.

Forgotten History: The Ludlow Massacre & the PR Machine

The 108th anniversary of this event just happened last month. Always feels strange how a century can go by and little details slip through the cracks, forgotten...

Meet Natural Hygiene

T C Fry stressed that Natural Hygiene was not just about diet. Amongst the other essential factors of life he lists in Part 1 of the 'Life Sciences' instruction materials are: emotional equilibrium, rest and sleep. TC's message was clear. Keep the laws of Natural Hygiene and a long, healthy life will be ours.


The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic

The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering. In this shocking, five-part, seven hour documentary series, they explode every single major claim, from the "isolation" of the virus to its so-called genetic sequencing, from the discovery of how to "test" for SARS-CoV2 to the emergence of "variants" that in reality, they explain, exist only on a computer. Their point: that the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus exists only as a mental construct whose existence in the real world has been disproven by the science itself.

They then go back through history to reveal how the birth and growth of virology has led to massive misunderstanding and misdiagnosis of disease: from Smallpox to the Spanish Flu, Polio to AIDS, to COVID itself - putting the pandemic in a whole new context better understood not as settled science, but the tragic culmination of misunderstood biology by the growing cult of virology, built on pseudo-science, to which much of the rest of the medical profession defers without understanding or examination, and the tragic consequences that have been wrought in its name.

In 2019, the virologists took center stage, and for the first time on film, their methods, miscues and tragedy they have wrought are put under the spotlight, revealing the extraordinary leaps of fantasy buried in their methodology, the contradictions quietly acknowledged in their papers, their desperate effort to change language to justify their findings, the obvious incongruence of their conclusions and the extraordinary stakes for our entire society in whether we continue to blindly follow their lead into a full-scale war against nature itself.

Featuring: Andrew Kaufman, MD; Tom Cowan, MD; Stefan Lanka, Virologist; Torsten Engelbrecht, journalist; Claus Kohnlein, MD; Kevin Corbett, PhD RN; David Rasnick, Biochemist PhD; Mark Bailey, MD; Dawn Lester and David Parker, Authors; Stefano Scoglio, Biochemist PhD; Saeed Qureeshi, Chemist PhD; Celia Farber, Journalist; Harold Wallach, PhD; Pam Popper, PhD, ND; Charles Geshekter, PhD; Amandha Vollmer ND, Jim West, Author; Larry Palevsky MD; and more.

Eric Dubay

Flat Earth, Conspiracy, Science, Spirituality, Health, History, New World Order, Secret Societies, Atlantis, Yoga, Martial Arts, Veganism and more

The Vinny Eastwood Show

The Vinny Eastwood Show
Began on American Freedom Radio in 2010 taking MR NEWS to the airwaves with a few terrible "Vinny jokes" at just the right moment to keep it light and fun while the audience learns of their imminent enslavement and subsequent extermination.
The only thing worse than Vinny's Jokes, is the truth!

Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist

The following documentary explores the surprisingly abundant evidence that nuclear weapons are a hoax.

Many of the nuclear explosion videos we have all seen and presumed real are shown to be complete fakes using model trees, houses and cars exploding on a set.

The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki appear not to be the result of one large explosion, but rather the result of a fire-bombing campaign comparable in pictures to Tokyo’s fire-bombed remains. Hiroshima and Nagasaki also never experienced anything like the hundreds or thousands of years of radiation predicted by nuclear scientists, in fact, vegetation began growing within a month after the bombing, and the Japanese people began rebuilding almost immediately!

Some nuclear physicists even claim nuclear weaponry fraudulent based solely on the technical impossibilities of fission material not to be incinerated before triggering the necessary nuclear chain reaction.

Check out the documentary, read through the excellent Nuke Lies Forum (on ifers.123.st), and leave a comment what you think about this nuclear hoax. Was the government teaching school-children to hide under their desks just to induce fear and funnel black tax money into a fake Cold War arms race?

Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists

Evidence supports that the CIA manipulated musicians and activists to promote drugs for social control, particularly regarding the Civil Rights and anti-war movements. Some musicians that resisted these manipulations were killed.

The Road to Manzanar: The Story of an American Internment Camp

I put together this documentary on the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California — one of ten interment camps the Army used to house Japanese-Americans without charge or trial after the bombing of Pearl Harbor during WWII. We happened to pass by it off the side of the road during a filming road trip back in 2020 prior to the lockdowns and when I saw the guard tower at the entrance to a national park, I had no idea what it was.

Despite having earned a master's degree, I had never been taught about the history of Japanese-American internment in school, and that includes two university level American history classes, one of which specifically covered WWII supposedly in-depth. I wouldn't learn about it until years later during my own history research. Why wasn't this history ever taught?

The reason this dark lesson in America's history is so important to face is so that human rights violations like this one are never allowed to happen again.

Covidland: The Mask

Covidland: The Mask is the second episode in the riveting Infowars Original Series known as Covidland. This installment in the series documents the truth about face masks while drawing on expert interviews familiar with the regulatory codes for personal protective equipment (PPE) to examine the health impact that masks have on the youth.

The medical establishment has long known that surgical and cloth masks offer no protection from viruses and are fertile breeding grounds for harmful bacteria.

We must put an end to the barbaric practice of masking children. Kids are bearing the brunt of this foolish, unscientific practice as they are forced to wear masks all day long at school.

Covidland: The Mask is the activist episode that will open eyes and change minds forever on this issue of face masks. Order copies of the DVD today at: https://www.infowarsstore.com/covidland-dvd-the-mask-episode-two

Planet Lockdown

Planet Lockdown is a 90-minute documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. Once we do, it gets easier every time.

Meet Bill Gates - A Corbett Report

Part 1 - How Bill Gates Monopolised Global Health
Part 2 - Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World
Part 3 - Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
Part 4 - Meet Bill Gates

Terrain The Film - Part 2: Passing the Torch

TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory. This Two-part documentary explores Terrain Theory, a model for health that works in symbiosis with nature to promote wellness and healing free of a corrupt and flawed medical paradigm. TERRAIN motivates and inspires viewers to understand the power and responsibility of consent.

Terrain The Film - Part 1: Stork Flu

TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory. This Two-part documentary explores Terrain Theory, a model for health that works in symbiosis with nature to promote wellness and healing free of a corrupt and flawed medical paradigm. TERRAIN motivates and inspires viewers to understand the power and responsibility of consent.

Andrew Kaufman M.D.

One year ago, I quit my lucrative Medical Career to blow the whistle on the fake Covid-19 Virus and Plandemic.

Not knowing what my future had in store, I used my skills, knowledge and many years of medical training to analyze all the medical research published on SARS- CoV-2 / COVID-19.

I debunked the false narrative presented by the Mainstream Media. As a result, I was thrust upon the world stage.

My new practice focuses on teaching people about Natural Healing and Freedom. My daily work includes: hosting webinars, operating a website, participating in Live Interviews, appearing in Documentaries and speaking at Live and Virtual Conferences.

My efforts to spread Truth to the world is a grassroots operation. I am working very hard to create valuable, accurate and informative content. My goal is to reach many more people with my message of Truth, Health and Freedom.

Why in the World are They Spraying?

Why in the World are They Spraying is the last of three incredible videos.

Please visit Dane Wigington's sites:


The other two videos will follow..
by Dane Wigington
01-Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails) by Clifford Carnicom

02-What in the World Are They Spraying
03-Why in the World are They Spraying

What in the World Are They Spraying?

The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed.

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: who is doing this and why. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 — and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure.

• Expected ship date October 22, 2010
• Runtime 93 minutes
• Produced by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger


Our freedom and our liberty are at stake. Worst of all so are our lives and those of our families. And fellow humans we must stand in unity, it is the key, unity. The sovereign tribal people of these lands extend our hands to all residing on this continent to stand with us in Unity. And together we can erode the sickness governing our lives and build a healthy future for all Australian people in partnership with the true sovereigns of these lands and through the only law that holds any validity on this continent, we urge that all protective services stand with the people, not with the corporate agents harming us all…

Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary

Is humanity truly free? Are there Universal Laws in effect that apply to human behavior? Does our knowledge or ignorance of these laws impact our collective freedom as a species? In this one-of-a-kind feature documentary film, Mark Passio will explore these questions, and our current understanding of Universal forces that affect the daily lives of each and every one of us.

Executive Producer: Mark Passio. Associate Producers: Leiha Boone, Joel Torres. Video Editing: Joel Torres. Audio Editing: Nicholas Tsolainos, Joel Torres. Filmography: Patrick Leach. 3D Graphics & Animation: Law Stewart, Tom Shepperd, Andrius Stankus. Additional Graphics: Brett Hatton, Steve Miele, Becca Godwin. Sound Score: Logan Hart, Nicholas Tsolainos, Erik Barnes, Nadia Di Gregorio.

COVIDLAND: The Lockdown

The latest release from Infowars is finally here! ‘COVIDLAND’ is a riveting and fast-paced movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones that’s designed to break people out of their trance, see the big picture, and take our world back!

What on Earth Happened?

What on Earth Happened? By Ewaranon

The Lost History of Flat Earth

One becomes tired of the relentless gaslighting and ongoing narrative of the "controllers", I needed to step back and turn my attention on more thought provoking subjects. Nothing grabs my attention more than peering through the looking glass of our past faked history. I watched Part II of this series and then found the full documentary. Most of this isn't new for me however seeing it all again with new eyes... worthy of your time. Flat Earth truly deserves more than a glancing interest, I've come back to it time after time and each revisit I sense I am closer to the truth.

Del Bigtree

Del Bigtree is a man with allegiance to no one and nothing but the truth. As an Emmy Award winning producer on the CBS talk show The Doctors, Del uncovered a story of corruption so morally bankrupt and profound that it destroyed his politics, his trust in medical science, and his belief in the mainstream media establishment that refused to allow him to do his job.

Now Del is on a quest to find answers to the questions everyone else is afraid to ask.

Josh Sigurdson

A platform not only for liberty and truth world wide, but a platform for individual independent journalists that care about the message of liberty throughout the world.
WAM was born as Winnipeg Alternative Media in March 2013. For years, WAM put out hard hitting reports and truly conquered politics in Canada, changing political awareness, especially in central Canada.
In September, 2015, Josh Sigurdson created World Alternative Media.
We've done dozens of confrontational pieces including Bilderberg members such as Conrad Black and David Frum, politicians like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Bill Morneau, Premier Greg Selinger, dozens of other politicians from all 4 big political parties.
We hold politicians accountable at our own risk and provide the information Mainstream Media doesn't.
We do regular economics reports.
We've released several big documentaries and interview renowned experts and personalities.
We're journalism by the people for the people.

Max Igan

Fighting the fight from Australia!

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